What is your opinion about cloning?
The cloning is ghoulish because to clone animals in dangerous extinct for what not disappear but then to beginning clone humans of the family death or to clone extinc animals for to have in captivity.
What is your opinion about fortune telling?
I not believe a lot in the fortune but I think there are people what they have something special about this.
What is your opinion about recycling?
The recycling is a very good idea for to help at the planet but in Chile the people don`t practice it`s very much.
What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?
Is very interesting to know the kinds of animal what the people can have in your houses but also is sad to see animals in little cages and aquariums where it can`t move.
What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
Is a stupid and horrible idea because if they want decrease the population of dogs first of all we have to teach people how to responsible whit your pets.