lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012


I`m Valentina Melo I was born in santiago the day twenty of october in 1992. At elementary school I studied at colegio Arturo Toro Amor in Independencia. Later, I completed my high school studies at colegio Rafael Sanhueza Lizardi in Recoleta.Now I`m studying veterinary medicine in the university of Chile.

I live whith my dad Rodrigo, my mom Pamela, my little Natalia sister and big sister Camila, and my five dogs Laca, Laica, Windixie, Mago, Cofy. I have family in Concepcion, Cabrero, Yumbel and Santiago.

I have many hobbies, for example draw, make origami, arm puzzles, read mangas, play in the computer games of adventures, dance with the kinect, and I like the anime.

See you later! Bye bye!

3 comentarios:

  1. hello Vale so long!!
    how are you??
    Call me !!

    1. Abi!!!! I`m fine
      and you??
      I don`t have money in my mobile phone u.u

  2. I like your blog, that's is my reason to coment xD
    Be careful (:
